30 May 2010

That Day He Graduates

I'm not going to rant on how disappointing, badly disorganized, and unprofessional that night was for  school's graduation showcase. I guess these pictures speak a whole lot on how much the night turned into nothing but a humble beauty. Us four goofing around, just being us beats anything else magical that night!

This entry's however a slightly more for Him. 

Dear boy, as of twenty sixth May 2010, you've officially graduated from school. I'm nothing but gladly proud of you, though it's hard to deny that it gets pretty emotional on my side as well. Ah, we've had this talk before. Things will be the same, things will not be the same. School's starting in a couple of months time now for me, and yeah, it's just traces of vivid memories a best friend and I have of those days of us stalking you in school, constantly reporting every inch you made. Haha! Apologies for I just froze and didn't know what else left there's to say to you when you were on an emotional breakdown browsing through your friend's album of the grad night. I was just picturing myself in the situation you were in and I'd be on a teary hiatus myself if I were you.

Oh well, that aside, I'm here for a puny reminder: I've set faith in you since Day 1, I've much confidence in you. You're nothing but everything wonderful and you'll do wonders. The world's just here awaiting for you, trust me. A long, fruitful and beautiful journey ahead baby!

Yours truly.

29 May 2010

All Smiles

Approximately 2 in the morning -all the snackings, ramblings, reminiscing. Ah! The epitome of random, everything in this mini galaxy of his. 

My astronaut;
Got on your rocket and you took me here. Looking down from above, I love it here. 
For all I know, you're near near near near near!

Days been well, but the mornings are more charming.
Ciao now!

27 May 2010

Kristina B & PQ

K R I S T I N A  B,  16  @  M A N N E Q U I N  A N D  P Q,  19.
Respective girls of beauty inside out, literally. It was a great opportunity working with both of you ladies and yeah, works with them won't end there!

These are girls undercover, 
Gemstones, awaiting to shine and deliver wonders.

Watch out for them and the spread!
(Trashy doodle up up up above by yours truly, hehe.)